第13页- tata_code -of- conductor 2015
p . 13

11.结社自由商务礼物和招待有时是12。我们承认,在正常的业务过程中,有兴趣加入协会或参与活动的员工可能会被使用。但是,如果在招待公民或公共事务(包括娱乐或个人活动,只要此类活动是旅行的)中提供礼物或他们自己是频繁的或有实质性价值的,不与他们可能造成的看法或我们公司的利益产生实际或潜在的冲突。我们的员工有实际的利益冲突或“非法支付必须通知并寻求事先批准”。因此,根据“利益冲突”给予或接受的礼物和招待活动应在本准则的价值条款中适度,并符合和适当的,并符合我们适用的公司政策和法律。公司礼品和招待政策。一般来说,我们可以接受商业伙伴的礼物或款待,但条件是:•价值适中,且不会让人觉得送礼者有权享受任何优惠待遇(或暗示义务);•不会影响或似乎不会影响我们为公司最大利益行事的能力;•如果公开披露,不会使我们公司或赠与者感到尴尬。 The following gifts are never appropriate and should never be given or accepted: • gifts of cash or gold or other precious metals, gems or stones; • gifts that are prohibited under applicable law; • gifts in the nature of a bribe, payoff, kickback or facilitation payment*; • gifts that are prohibited by the gift giver’s or recipient’s organisation; and • gifts in the form of services or other non-cash benefits (e.g. a promise of employment). (*‘Facilitation’ payment is a payment made to secure or speed up routine legal government actions, such as issuing permits or releasing goods held in customs.) 11 TCOC_Booklet_CVR_P001_P036 Final.indd 11 8/25/16 12:38 PM