第14页- tata_code -of- conductor 2015
p . 14
根据我们公司的媒体与我们进行外部雇佣应聘,接受职位及沟通政策。这包括通过任何论坛或媒体披露的责任或经营业务,与我们公司的雇佣关系,包括通过社交媒体。不管有没有报酬,时间都可以。我们的员工应确保不干扰您有效工作能力的个人数据或我们公司提供的信息或产生利益冲突。他们来我们公司了。我们将根据我们公司的适用公司保护任何此类活动不得涉及所有此类数据或信息的任何隐私,这些数据或信息提供给客户、供应商、分销商或竞争对手。我们的员工必须告知政策或法律。任何此类活动都要事先获得批准。我们的员工应尊重和保护所有机密信息和知识产权准则的“利益冲突”条款,并根据我们公司的适用财产。 company policies and law. 18. Our employees shall safeguard the Integrity of information and assets confidentiality of all third party intellectual 14. Our employees shall not make any wilful property and data. Our employees shall omissions or material misrepresentation not misuse such intellectual property and that would compromise the integrity of our data that comes into their possession records, internal or external communications and shall not share it with anyone, except and reports, including the financial in accordance with applicable company statements. policies or law. 15. Our employees and directors shall seek 19. Our employees shall promptly report the proper authorisation prior to disclosing loss, theft or destruction of any confidential company or business-related information, information or intellectual property and data and such disclosures shall be made in of our company or that of any third party. Q & A I am an accountant in the finance department of my company. Due to my artistic skills, I received an offer to pen cartoons for a children’s publication for which I would receive compensation. I plan to undertake this activity during week-ends. What should I do before accepting this offer? Before accepting the offer, you should ascertain whether the company policies and rules require you to make a disclosure to your supervisor so that the company may determine whether your undertaking this activity adversely affects our company’s interests. On confirmation from the company that it does not do so, you would be free to take up the activity. It is also your duty to bring to the attention of the company whenever there is any change in the situation you have disclosed. 12 TCOC_Booklet_CVR_P001_P036 Final.indd 12 8/25/16 12:38 PM