第16页- tata_code -of-导电t_2015
p . 16

TCOC 2015违禁药品和物质若有任何实际或潜在的冲突。使用违禁药品和物质的利益出现,有关人员必须在我们的冲突中立即报告真正的安全和其他风险并寻求工作场所。公司政策规定,我们不能容忍适用法律所要求的禁止批准以及持有药品和物质。在我们工作场所消耗或分发的主管当局,应在公司职责内或在公司职责期间归还给员工。在公司政策中规定的合理时间内,使有关利益冲突的员工能够采取必要的行动。我们的员工和执行董事被建议解决或避免冲突,应始终以迅速的方式为我们的利益行事。公司和确保任何业务或26。在所有员工的情况下,除了个人关系,包括亲密的个人执行董事,他们可能拥有的首席执行官关系,而不是高级管理人员/董事总经理将与他们的角色主管当局产生利益冲突,后者反过来应就本公司的业务向董事会报告本公司的职责和业务。进一步,我们的员工和季度为基础。 In case of the Chief Executive executive directors shall not engage in any Officer / Managing Director and executive business, relationship or activity, which might directors, the Board of Directors of our conflict with the interest of our company or company shall be the competent authority. our group companies. Q & A you are responsible for maintaining our company’s customer database. one of your friends is starting a business venture and requests you to share a few particulars from this database for marketing purposes of his business. He assures you that he would keep the data as well as his source confidential. Should you do so? No. You should respect the confidentiality of customer information and not share any part of the database with any person without due authorisation. you have access to revenue numbers of different business units of our company. While having a conversation with you over evening drinks, your friend enquires about the financial performance of our company. you do not share detailed information with your friend, but share approximate revenue figures. Is this conduct of yours correct? No, it is not. You are not permitted to share financial information of our company with others who do not need to know this information. Financial information should always be safeguarded and disclosed only on a need-to-know basis after obtaining requisite approvals. Sharing of any price sensitive information that is not generally available with the public could also lead to violation of applicable insider trading laws. 14 TCOC_Booklet_CVR_P001_P036 Final.indd 14 8/25/16 12:38 PM