第18页- tata_code -of-导电t_2015
p . 18

Tcoc 2015如果公司未能做到要求的事项,并考虑适当的纪律披露,我们的管理层将根据雇佣条款采取行动。在意识到利益冲突的情况下,我们将遵循公平的纪律程序,尊重员工或执行董事,我们的员工的权利。管理层应认真对待根据适用的公司政策通常批准的(披露后)活动的例子,在以下情况下接受责任职位(无论是薪酬还是其他)通常是允许的,前提是这些要求的时间承诺不干扰或分散员工在我们公司的主要职责和责任,并及时向相关主管部门披露:(a)本公司任何集团公司、合资企业或联营公司的董事会董事职务。(b)教育/专业团体的会员/责任职位,该等协会将促进本公司的利益。(c)是政府委员会/机构或组织的成员或参与。问与答:你的同事最近加入了你的团队,现在将向你汇报工作。你该怎么办?如果与另一名员工存在报告关系,其中一人负责评估另一名员工的表现,那么与另一名员工建立浪漫或亲密的私人关系,很可能会产生利益冲突。 In such a situation, you would need to report the potential conflict to your supervisor. your company is submitting a proposal to a company in which you were previously employed. you have confidential information pertaining to your previous employer, which you believe will help your present employer in winning the contract. Should you share this information? No. You should not share this information with your company since it relates to confidential information of a third party. Your company respects its employees’ duty to protect confidential information that they may have relating to their previous employers. you are the purchasing manager in the procurement department of your company. you receive an invitation from a supplier to attend a premier sporting event as her guest. This particular supplier is one of the vendors who has submitted a proposal for an open tender issued by your company. Should you accept the invitation? No. You should not accept the invitation in this instance. Since you are in a key decision-making role for the tender, any unusual benefit that you receive could be perceived as an inducement that could compromise your objectivity. 16 TCOC_Booklet_CVR_P001_P036 Final.indd 16 8/25/16 12:38 PM