第21页- tata_code -of- conductor 2015
p . 21

你是我们公司的区域销售经理。您已成为即时通讯服务上的一个“非正式群组”的成员,该群组的成员是我们公司竞争对手的区域销售主管。该集团的管理者要求召开一次面对面的会议,非正式地讨论市场状况,并从行业的角度就“定价策略”进行头脑风暴。你该怎么办?任何与竞争对手的会面,尤其是讨论“定价策略”的会面,都可能是企图推动反竞争行为或操纵价格。作为回应,你应该拒绝这个邀请并退出这个“非正式小组”。你也应该把这件事报告给你的主管和法务部门。你和同事一起参加客户会议,你的同事对公司的服务做了不真实的陈述。你该怎么办?如果可能的话,你应该在会议中协助你的同事纠正错误。 If this is not possible, raise the issue with your colleague after the meeting to enable him/her or the company to correct any misrepresentation made to the customer. While working on a customer project, you receive a call from your colleague. He used to manage that customer account before you took over his role. He recalls that he had worked with the customer on developing a new ordering system which he thinks would be beneficial for another customer and requests you to send him the project details. What should you do? You must not share this information without specific approval of the customer; you are not permitted to use a customer’s assets, including software, for another customer or for any personal use. RemembeR… Striving for excellence in the standards of our work and in the quality of our goods and services is a core Tata value. It is the unwavering practice of this value that builds and sustains customer trust in our brand. 19 TCOC_Booklet_CVR_P001_P036 Final.indd 19 8/25/16 12:38 PM