页31 - Tata_Code-of-Conduct_2015
p . 31

我们集团公司1 j。我们寻求配合我们组3。我们流程来确保公司,包括合资企业,由任何第三方或合资企业采用知识共享,物理资源,塔塔名称/品牌进一步人类自身利益和管理资源和没有适当的授权。采用领先的治理策略和4。我们的董事会应当考虑实践依照适用法律收养政策并定期指导方针包括遵守竞争法,由塔塔的儿子和流传到相关规定。集团公司。2。我们将努力实现友好的解决我们之间的任何争议和任何我们的集团公司,通过适当的争端解决机制,以便它不影响我们的商业利益和利益相关者的价值。问&你的过程中选择潜在供应商IT项目在我们的公司。在两家公司的最终名单,一个是一个新的启动有限的引用和更低的报价,而另一个是塔塔公司三十多年的实施经验和良好的引用,但略高于报价相同的工作。 With all other parameters of choice being nearly equal, which company should you select for the job? While price is undoubtedly an important criterion for decision making, it is clearly not the only one to be evaluated. You may also need to consider good customer references, proven track record and shared value systems in order to decide on your IT partner. you are in the process of selecting potential vendors for a project. one of the three finalists is a group company. In reviewing the final proposals, you rank the group company second out of the three proposals based on pricing and total cost of ownership, and select the first-ranked vendor. Is this the right decision? Yes. You should select the vendor that, on its own merits, is the vendor that is most appropriate for your company’s requirements. You should not select a group company only because of its affiliation. 29 TCOC_Booklet_CVR_P001_P036 Final.indd 29 8/25/16 12:39 PM