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TCOC 2015担忧我们鼓励我们的员工、客户、供应商,我们不会容忍任何形式的报复和其他利益相关者提出问题或使任何人报告合理的关切。任何披露,当他们意识到任何实际参与针对这样的人将受到或可能违反我们的代码,政策或法律。纪律处分。我们也鼓励报告任何事件(实际如果你怀疑你或你认识的人或潜在)不反光的不端行为一直受到报复抚养我们的价值观和原则。关注或报告的情况下,我们鼓励渠道担忧或查询,或者你可以立即联系你的直线经理,报告病例可能包括:公司的道德顾问,人力资源•立即直线经理或人力部门总经理/首席执行官或办公室资源部门我们公司集团的首席道德官。•公司指定的伦理官员•“秘密报告”第三方道德热线(如果可用)•任何其他报告通道在我们公司的“告密者”的政策。问&我的上司要求我去做一些我认为可能是非法的。我怕如果我不做什么告诉我,我可能会失去我的工作。我应该这样做吗?不。 Breaking the law is never an option. Discuss the situation with your supervisor to be certain that you both understand the facts. If your concerns are not resolved, contact a higher level supervisor, the Ethics Counsellor, the Legal department or report them via the company’s confidential reporting system, if available. I feel that my supervisor is treating me unfairly for reporting a concern to the Ethics Counsellor. What should I do? Retaliation against anyone who raises a concern is a violation of the Code. You should therefore promptly report this action of your supervisor to the Ethics Counsellor or the MD/CEO of your company or via the company’s confidential reporting system, if available. 30 TCOC_Booklet_CVR_P001_P036 Final.indd 30 8/25/16 12:39 PM