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问责这段代码不仅仅是一套规范的他们可能会采取行动根据指南发布的目的仅仅是为了就业条款和相关的公司政策。正式的遵从性。它代表我们的集体跟随在字母和精神时,这段代码对我们的价值体系和核心的“住”我们的员工以及那些工作原则。和我们在一起。它代表我们的共同责任每个人受雇于我们,直接或间接,我们的利益相关者,我们相互承诺希望应该负责他/她。的行为。应该这样的行为违反了这个代码,说出来…如果你不确定你要采取特定的行动是否符合代码中的原则出发,问问你自己:•会直接或间接地危害别人或使他们受伤吗?•它是非法/非法或与我们的政策和程序?•我的良心拒绝吗?它与我的个人价值观冲突吗? • Would I feel uncomfortable if the story appeared in the media? Would it shame my company, spouse, partner, parent or child? • Does it ‘feel’ wrong? If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes”, please stop and consult your reporting manager, the Ethics Counsellor, the Human Resource department, the Legal department or any member of the senior management team, to assist you in making the decision. When faced with a dilemma: Stop, Think, Act Responsibly 31 TCOC_Booklet_CVR_P001_P036 Final.indd 31 8/25/16 12:39 PM