页面5 - Tata_Code-of-Conduct_2015
p . 5

前言塔塔的行为准则代表了价值观和核心原则指导每一个塔塔的行为。代码展示了道德标准,塔塔的同事需要观察在他们的职业生涯。在1998年第一次制作Ratan Tata先生的富有远见的领导下,它定义了一个价值体系经历了自集团成立于1868年。代码是一个活生生的文档。虽然一直保持不变的本质,它已经修改多年来保持与不断变化的文化和监管规范跨多个司法管辖区的开展我们的业务。符合全球最佳实践和监管关键市场的变化,我们操作,今年经历了一次重大更新的代码。它显式地引用我们集团的价值观,与我们小组的任务来提高我们服务的社区的生活质量在全球范围内通过长期的利益相关者创造价值,这有助于澄清塔塔公司的职责和他的同事在与这些利益相关者团体的关系。代码的目的是成为一个当代和相关指南。然而,它不能提供所有可能的问题的答案或在工作场所可能出现的道德困境。塔塔的同事感到不确定适当的职业行为在任何情况下必须寻求指导从指定的人在他们的公司,包括公司的道德顾问,利用适当的渠道或平台中标识代码。 Our success and the enormous equity enjoyed by the Tata brand owe in large measure to the integrity and professional commitment of our colleagues and our companies. Consequently, we must not only comply with the laws and regulations that govern our business, but strive to go beyond and set an example of business conduct that meets the highest ethical standards. Each Tata colleague has the ability to make a vital difference to the quality of life of the communities we serve. This Code represents our individual and mutual commitment to discharge our responsibilities through the most sustainable and ethical means, and our shared determination to reinforce the Tata reputation of Leadership with Trust. Cyrus P. Mistry 29 July, 2015 th TCOC_Booklet_CVR_P001_P036 Final.indd 3 8/25/16 12:37 PM